HomeBlogIndia is on the brink of an EV revolution, and a great opportunity awaits us

India is on the brink of an EV revolution, and a great opportunity awaits us

EVs have been introduced in India for several years now. However, they are now gaining momentum as the government has set an ambitious target of cutting India’s carbon emission to net zero by 2070. Skyrocketing fuel prices and their burden on the government’s exchequer are other reasons behind EVs’ increasing popularity.

The Government of India’s recent move to allocate a $10 billion budget to purchase 50,000 electric buses is indicative of the government’s commitment to usher in the EV era in India. Central, as well as state governments, are proactively working towards replacing ICE vehicles under their ownership with EVs. As a result, several public transport buses have been upgraded to EVs.

Amnex has gained a foothold in the mobility domain with a suite of advanced ITMS solutions that typically include modules like Automatic Vehicle Location System, Incident Management System, Passenger Information System, Depot Management System, and Planning & Scheduling. All these can be customized to address challenges that public transit authorities and operators face while upgrading their fleets to EV buses.

For example, the longer charging duration of EV buses makes bus scheduling extremely difficult for authorities. The bus may break down midway if not charged adequately. Keeping track of all the bus’s state of charge, routes, and availability of distributed energy resources are some of the unforeseen challenges of managing an electric fleet, especially when battery swapping has not yet become a convenient alternative due to a lack of battery standardization.

ITMS solutions can simply answer all the complex challenges public transit authorities might face while running an EV fleet. From planning & scheduling of the buses to optimizing their performance, ITMS solutions can help authorities make corrective and preventive measures and establish EV buses as a reliable, environment-friendly, future-proof mode of transport.

With over 20 projects running across the country, including a water metro project in Kochi, Amnex has emerged as a technology leader as the Indian mobility domain witnesses a massive transformation. With EVs coming to the forefront, the doors of new opportunities have opened up. So, let’s pull up our socks to make the most of it.

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